By Media Office Staff

The Local Government Commission, California Energy Commission and other organizations are partnering to host a public symposium in Fresno on Dec. 4 to highlight key climate risks to the San Joaquin Valley.
Researchers, scientists, state agencies, and community leaders will be discussing findings from California’s Fourth Climate Change Assessment at the San Joaquin Valley Regional Climate Symposium.
The San Joaquin Valley makes up the southern half of California’s Central Valley, which includes eight counties and more than one tenth of California’s population. Climate risks impacting this area include agriculture, water, wildfire and air quality, and energy systems.
“Communities in the Central Valley, many of which are already impacted by high emergency room heat-related incidents are projected to see more heat-health events because of climate change,” said Energy Commission Chair Robert B. Weisenmiller.
Climate change and environmental factors affecting the San Joaquin Valley include dry wells and sinking lands due to groundwater overdraft, nitrate contamination in groundwater, air pollution and deterioration in wetland, aquatic, and terrestrial ecosystems.
Warmer temperatures will also expedite the spread of disease, worsen air quality and challenge food security in disadvantaged communities.
For the first time, the assessment included reports for nine regions of the state because the vast majority of adaptation planning and implementation will happen at local and regional scales.
According to the San Joaquin Valley report, climate smart agriculture, building resilience in ecosystems and mitigation strategies are some ways that the area can manage climate change impacts.
The symposium, and others like it, are being held throughout California to help communities, policymakers, governments, and environmental organizations better understand and prepare for the local impacts of climate change.
Public agency staff, community organizations, students, and others are strongly encouraged to attend the symposium. Visit the registration website for details.